domingo, 17 de março de 2013

Simulado de Inglês

Inglês 1
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(ESPM) As questões 01 a 05 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Brazil has 120 million television viewers, each of whom spends 3.3 hours or more a day in front of the box, making Brazilians some of the biggest tubeheads on earth. Advertisers spend $ 4 billion a year to reach them, any way they can. When it turned out that Tiazinha could help – and boy, could she ever – they were only too happy to direct a nice chunk of that money toward her and TV Bandeirantes.

Too scandalous for advertisers? "(01)," says Daniel Barbará, head of the DPZ advertising agency in São Paulo. "The only scandal in television is a small audience."
"Grotesque programs such as Tiazinha's are like the American talk shows," says Nelson Hoineff, an independent producer. "They speak the language of the people." Sociologists, anthropologists and semioticians have absorbed more than the advisable limit of cathode rays trying to parse the lexicon of popular television in Brazil. "Functional illiteracy is still big here," says Muniz Sodré, professor of communications at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. "In many ways, Brazil went straight from oral culture to the electronic age, passing right by the written word. Television fills the gap."

(Newsweek. July 5, 1999 p. 36-7)

01. In the text, whom refers to

(A) Brazilians.
(B) television viewers.
(C) advertisers.
(D) Brazil.
(E) biggest tubeheads.

02. The best expression to fill in the blank is

(A) Most certainly.
(B) For sure.
(C) By all means.
(D) No wonder.
(E) Not in the least.

03. It can be inferred from the text that

(A) Brazilians are stupid because they watch too much TV.
(B) advertisers paid Tiazinha and TV Bandeirantes $4 billion in one year.
(C) although advertisers invested a lot of money in Tiazinha's show, they weren't too happy with the results.
(D) advertisers will do anything to sell their products.
(E) Brazilians are the people who watch most TV on earth.

04. Infere-se do texto que Muniz Sodré é de opinião que

(A) os programas populares na televisão têm tanto sucesso devido ao grande número de analfabetos funcionais no Brasil.
(B) os programas populares fazem tanto sucesso na televisão porque são falados em português.
(C) há quem acredite que os programas de auditório da televisão brasileira sejam tão bons quanto os de entrevista da televisão americana.
(D) o fato de a população brasileira estar começando a dar valor à palavra escrita desenvolveu seu interesse pela televisão.
(E) pouco se sabe sobre o sucesso dos programas populares na televisão brasileira porque sociólogos, antropólogos e semióticos nunca se interessaram em estudar esse fenômeno.

05. Television fills the gap, no texto, significa que a TV

(A) é a continuação da tradição oral.
(B) é a forma prototípica da comunicação na era eletrônica.
(C) é a continuação da tradição escrita.
(D) é o ópio das massas.
(E) preenche o vácuo criado pela falta da cultura escrita.

Texto para as questões de 06 a 10

Tell me if you've heard this one and hate it
by Mike Kennedy

For presidents and celebrities as well as ordinary people, cracking jokes can be risky business today, provoking anger and resentment instead of laughter.
The problem in that humor, like beauty, often is in the eye of the beholder.
Consider a jest by President Clinton. At a trade fair on the White House lawn, Clinton and his cabinet came upon a three-foot-high replica of the White house.
With the 4-foot-10 inch secretary of labor, Robert Reich, at his side, Clinton quipped, "Secretary Reich could almost live in there".
Lighthearted ribbing between longtime pals? Or a remark offensive to those sensitive about their height?
Experts who train people to use humor in business and social relationships say it can be an invaluable tool - but it must be used with sensitivity.
Of course, the line between laughing with someone and laughing at someone isn't always so clear.
So in today's litigious and sensitive society should we all take the safest course and avoid any attempts at humor? That would make for a dull world, experts said.
The wrong kind of humor, though, can be destructive. Jokes that attack often cause people to withdraw, or worse, seek revenge.
Supervisors need to be especially careful. Because of the power they hold, their attempts at humor demean employee.
Of course, some people just can't take a joke. So what can you do?
"On the politically correct front, there are certain people whose mission is to be offended", Langley said.
"There's not really much you can do about them." (Fragiadakis, H. & Maurer, M. Sound Ideas, 1995, p. 81)


* as well as:bem como
* ordinary people: pessoas comuns
* to crack jokes: contar piadas
*risky business: negócio arriscado
* anger: raiva
*resentment: ressentimento
* laughter: riso
* like: como
* often: freqüentemente
* jest: gracejo
* trade fair: feira comercial
* lawn: gramado
* to come upon: deparar-se
* three-foot-high: 3 pés de altura
* inch: polegada
* secretary of labor: secretário do trabalho
* White House: Casa Branca
* side: lado
* to quip: brincar
* lighthearted: leve, despreocupado
* ribbing: piada
* longtime pals: amigos de longa data
* remark: observação
* sensitive: sensível
* height: altura
* experts: especialistas
* social relationships: relações sociais
* invaluable tool: ferramenta muito útil
* of course: é claro
* the safest course: caminho mais seguro
* to avoid: evitar
* attempt: tentativa
* kind: tipo
* though: contudo
* to withdraw: retrair-se
* or worse: ou pior
* to seek: procurar
* revenge: vingança
* careful: cuidadosos
* power: poder
* to hold: manter
* to demean: rebaixar, humilhar

(ITA) Considere as afirmações abaixo:

I. Supervisores correm o risco de humilhar seus funcionários ao fazerem uma piada, em função do poder que detêm.
II. Entre celebridades, as piadas, muitas vezes, provocam ressentimentos e raiva ao invés de riso.
III. O humor está na mente daqueles que o recebem.

Está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto:

(A) apenas a I e II
(B) apenas a II e III
(C) apenas a I e III
(D) todas
(E) nenhuma

07. (ITA) Considere as afirmações abaixo:

I. Devemos evitar o humor na sociedade atual.
II. Pessoas expostas ao tipo inadequado de humor podem procurar se vingar.
III. O autor afirma que Clinton não poderia ter brincado levianamente com o velho amigo.

Está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto:

(A) apenas a I
(B) apenas a II
(C) apenas a III
(D) apenas a I e III
(E) apenas a II e III

(ITA) Considere a frase abaixo, extraída do texto:

"Of course, the line between laughing with someone and laughing at someone isn't always so clear."

As expressões em destaque são, respectivamente, sinônimas de:

having fun
making fun of
pulling someone's leg
having fun with
making fun of
pulling someone's leg
joking at someone
making fun out
having fun with

09. (ITA) Especialistas que preparam pessoas para fazer uso do humor consideram-no um tipo de recurso:

(A) desnecessário nas relações humanas;
(B) inútil e que, quando utilizado, pode ferir a sensibilidade alheia;
(C) muito útil, mas ao qual se deve recorrer com sensatez;
(D) sem qualquer valor nas relações humanas, mas que pode ser utilizado, desde que com muita sensatez;
(E) que apesar de ser por vezes útil, pode ferir a sensibilidade alheia.

10. (ITA) A expressão que melhor substitui a última frase do texto é:

(A) Who cares about them!
(B) You shouldn't worry about trying to change their minds!
(C) Don't think about them!
(D) Just forget about them!
(E) They should mind their own businesses!

1.B                       9.E
2. E                    10.B
4. A

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